Chapter 12. Building an RSS reader app with Ionic


This chapter covers

  • Designing a simple RSS reader application
  • Using Ionic for Cordova development
  • Enhancing the application with native plugins

For the final chapter, you’re going to build a real, if simple, application—an RSS reader.

12.1. Designing a simple RSS reader application

RSS is an XML format commonly used by blogs as a way to syndicate their content. While not as popular as it once was, a website using RSS can share its content with other websites and tools. An example of a website using RSS to syndicate content is CNN. If you open your browser to, you’ll see a complete list of RSS feeds covering different parts of their content (figure 12.1).

Figure 12.1. CNN’s RSS feeds

Each RSS link goes to an XML file. Different browsers render RSS feeds a bit differently, but many will display an RSS feed pretty nicely (figure 12.2).

Figure 12.2. CNN’s “Top Stories” feed

Think of RSS as a “content-pure” version of a website. Looking at the CNN “Top Stories” RSS feed in figure 12.2, what you’re getting is just the articles. No sidebars and no headers and footers with navigation, but the pure content from CNN.

Because RSS is a known format, many tools exist to parse and render RSS content. Your application will use an RSS feed to drive the content of a hybrid mobile application. Let’s look at a simple mockup of the final product. The first screen, shown in figure 12.3, is a list of articles from the RSS feed.

12.2. Using Ionic for Cordova development

12.3. RSS reader app: part one

12.4. RSS reader app: part two

12.5. Summary
