Chapter 11. Troubleshooting: Finding the needle in the haystack


This chapter covers

  • Application logging for services in ephemeral environments
  • Application monitoring for services in ephemeral environments
  • Distributed tracing

Back in 2013, I was working with one of the first enterprise customers of the Cloud Foundry open source platform. I visited a particular client every couple of weeks to check on their progress and to help explain capabilities that at that time were really quite new to the industry. And no matter how cool the feature set I was describing, one of the engineers from that organization invariably responded with something along the lines of “Cornelia, you are giving me a Ferrari without a dashboard.” You see, we hadn’t yet done a good job of adding capabilities in the area of observability, and there was simply no way that this customer (or any customer, really) could put a system in production without the ability to adequately monitor its health and the health of the applications running on the platform. That customer engineer, Srini, was absolutely right!

11.1. Application logging

11.2. Application metrics

11.3. Distributed tracing

