Chapter 12. Clusters with Machine and Swarm


This chapter covers

  • Creating virtual machines running Docker with Docker Machine
  • Integrating with and managing remote Docker daemons
  • An introduction to Docker Swarm clusters
  • Provisioning whole Swarm clusters with Docker Machine
  • Managing containers in a cluster
  • Swarm solutions to container scheduling and service discovery

The bulk of this book is about interacting with Docker on a single machine. In the real world, you’ll work with several machines at the same time. Docker is a great building block for creating large-scale server software. In such environments, you encounter all sort of new problems that aren’t addressed by the Docker engine directly.

How can a user launch an environment where different services run on different hosts? How will services in such a distributed environment locate service dependencies? How can a user quickly create and manage large sets of Docker hosts in a provider-agnostic way? How should services be scaled for availability and failover? With services spread all over a set of hosts, how will the system know to direct traffic from load balancers?

12.1. Introducing Docker Machine

12.2. Introducing Docker Swarm

12.3. Swarm scheduling

12.4. Swarm service discovery

12.5. Summary
