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First of all, my heartfelt thanks for your trust and purchasing the MEAP edition of Emotional Digital Design. I hope it lives up to your expectations and becomes a valuable investment, as well as an unforgettable and emotional journey.

What's This Book For?

At some point in every designer's career, a question pops up: “What's next?”. What lies beyond the pixels? The threshold for digital design is quite low: master Figma, watch a few YouTube tutorials, read a couple of UX design books, and boom—you’re an interface designer. But sooner or later, the pixels lose their charm, and you realize that modern digital products are about more than just aesthetics and functionality. Digital design today is all about people and the emotions they experience during and after interacting with the product.

As designers, we create stories that shape the world. Design is a powerful tool—it can connect people, foster positive change, or, if misused, lead to intended consequences. So, what’s this book for? It’s simple—if you want to make a meaningful, positive impact on the world tomorrow, you should read this book today.
