2 Kubernetes and GitOps


This chapter covers

  • Solving problems with Kubernetes
  • Running and managing Kubernetes locally
  • Understanding the basics of GitOps
  • Implementing a simple Kubernetes GitOps operator

In chapter 1, you learned about Kubernetes and why its declarative model makes it an excellent match to be managed using GitOps. This chapter will briefly introduce Kubernetes architecture and objects and the differences between declarative and imperative object management. By the end of this chapter, you will implement a basic GitOps Kubernetes deployment operator.

2.1 Kubernetes introduction

2.1.1 What is Kubernetes?

2.1.2 Other container orchestrators

2.1.3 Kubernetes architecture

2.1.4 Deploying to Kubernetes

2.2 Declarative vs. imperative object management

2.2.1 How declarative configuration works

2.3 Controller architecture

2.3.1 Controller delegation

2.3.2 Controller pattern

2.3.3 NGINX operator

2.4 Kubernetes + GitOps

2.5 Getting started with CI/CD

2.5.1 Basic GitOps operator

2.5.2 Continuous integration pipeline

