Part 4. Advanced Grails


In part 4, we’ll introduce some of the most advanced features that Grails has to offer. You’ll learn about performance tuning, legacy integration, database transactions, custom build processes, and even how to develop and publish your own plugins.

Chapter 15 walks you through events, messaging, and scheduling tasks. We’ll work with Platform Core’s lightweight messaging and JMS messaging. Then we’ll implement queues and topics, schedule jobs using Quartz and cron, and use Quartz for advanced scheduling tasks.

In chapter 16, we build on your GORM experience with relational data by looking deeper into how GORM supports nonrelational data sources such as the emerging NoSQL movement. You will see an example of how to integrate Grails with key-value, document-oriented, and even graph datasets.

Build infrastructure is an important part of professional software development, and chapter 17 takes you deep inside the Grails build system. You start by learning how to add your own Grails commands. Then we teach you how to integrate your Grails build with the most commonly used build tools in the Java space. We also give you strategies for handling data migration as your application grows, demonstrating how third-party plugins can help.
