1 Intuition of artificial intelligence


This chapter covers

  • Definition of AI as we know it
  • Intuition of concepts that are applicable to AI
  • Problem types in computer science and AI, and their properties
  • Overview of the AI algorithms discussed in this book
  • Real-world uses for AI

What is artificial intelligence?

Intelligence is a mystery—a concept that has no agreed-upon definition. Philosophers, psychologists, scientists, and engineers all have different opinions about what it is and how it emerges. We see intelligence in nature around us, such as groups of living creatures working together, and we see intelligence in the way that humans think and behave. In general, things that are autonomous yet adaptive are considered to be intelligent. Autonomous means that something does not need to be provided constant instructions; and adaptive means that it can change its behavior as the environment or problem space changes. When we look at living organisms and machines, we see that the core element for operation is data. Visuals that we see are data; sounds that we hear are data; measurements of the things around us are data. We consume data, process it all, and make decisions based on it; so a fundamental understanding of the concepts surrounding data is important for understanding artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms.

Defining AI


Understanding that data is core to AI algorithms


Viewing algorithms as instructions in recipes


A brief history of artificial intelligence


Problem types and problem-solving paradigms


Search problems: Find a path to a solution


Optimization problems: Find a good solution


Prediction and classification problems: Learn from patterns in data


Clustering problems: Identify patterns in data


Deterministic models: Same result each time it’s calculated


Stochastic/probabilistic models: Potentially different result each time it’s calculated


Intuition of artificial intelligence concepts


Narrow intelligence: Specific-purpose solutions


General intelligence: Humanlike solutions


Super intelligence: The great unknown


Old AI and new AI


Search algorithms


Biology-inspired algorithms


Machine learning algorithms


Deep learning algorithms


Uses for artificial intelligence algorithms


Agriculture: Optimal plant growth


Banking: Fraud detection


Cybersecurity: Attack detection and handling


Health care: Diagnosis of patients


Logistics: Routing and optimization


Telecoms: Optimizing networks


Games: Creating AI agents


Art: Creating masterpieces


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