Part 3. Applied Groovy


We build too many walls and not enough bridges

Isaac Newton

In the course of this book, you’ve seen a large portion of Groovyland. Part 1 introduced you to the Groovy language, datatypes, operators, control structures, and even the Meta Object Protocol. Part 2 led you through the Groovy library, showing builders, templates, numerous JDK enhancements, working with databases, and XML support. Your backpack is filled with valuable knowledge that waits to be brought to new horizons.

Part 3 gives you guidance on how to best apply your knowledge with other tools, frameworks, and libraries that embrace Groovy.

It starts with unit testing in chapter 17, an activity that no self-respecting professional developer can work without. With a clever mix of the Groovy wisdom you’ve already acquired and a bit of guidance through Groovy’s excellent testing support, you’ll appreciate unit testing as another strength of Groovy.

Chapter 18 prepares you for the to-be-expected multicore era and enables you to take full advantage of all the many processing cores that your machine is likely to have.

Chapter 19 gives you the power of designing your own language so that business aspects can be expressed in the jargon of their domain. You will become the master of domain-specific languages (DSLs).
