Chapter 12. Other frameworks: implementing isomorphic without React


This chapter covers

  • Using Ember’s convention-over-configuration implementation to quickly implement a universal application
  • Implementing the isomorphic parts of an Angular application with TypeScript
  • Running an isomorphic app with Next.js, which gives you an out-of-the-box React implementation with server rendering built in

Each section in this chapter covers a framework that lets you get up and running with isomorphic rendering. This chapter doesn’t teach you these other technologies, although it does provide links to resources if you want to dive deeper. Instead, each section highlights the key parts of each framework:

  • Setting up and implementing server-side rendering in each framework
  • Enabling hydration of the DOM with the server state in each framework
  • Understanding the pros and cons to each approach

12.1. Blog example project

In each section of this chapter, you’ll be working on the same sample application. Figure 12.1 shows the homepage view of the blog. It’s a basic homepage with a header and a list of blog posts. Each blog post links to a Post Detail page, which shows the post body in full and a list of comments.

Figure 12.1. The homepage of the app that shows all the posts

12.2. Server rendering with Ember FastBoot

12.3. Universal Angular

12.4. Next.js: React isomorphic framework

12.5. Comparing the options

