8 Composition and universal rendering


This chapter covers:

  • Employing universal rendering in a micro frontends architecture
  • Applying server- and client-side composition in tandem to combine their benefits
  • Discovering how to leverage the server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities of modern JavaScript frameworks in a micro frontends context

In the last few chapters, we focused on various integration techniques and discussed their strengths and weaknesses. We grouped them into two categories: server-side and client-side. Integration on the server makes it possible to ship a page that loads quickly and adheres to the principles of progressive enhancement. Client-side integration enables building rich user interfaces where the page can react to user input instantly.

Broad framework support for universal rendering made building applications that run server- and client-side a lot easier for developers. But what do we need to do to integrate multiple universal applications into a big one?

8.1 Combining server- and client-side composition

8.1.1 SSI and Web Components

8.1.2 Contract between the teams

8.1.3 Other solutions

8.2 When does universal composition make sense?

8.2.1 Universal rendering with pure server-side composition

8.2.2 Increased complexity

8.2.3 Universal unified single-page app?

