About this Book
Objective-C Fundamentals is an introductory book, intended to complement other books focused on iPhone and iPad application development such as iOS 4 in Action. While many books have been written on how to develop iOS applications, most focus on the individual APIs and frameworks provided by the device, rather than the unique language, Objective-C, which is a cornerstone of Apple’s development platform. To truly master the platform, you must have a strong grip on the language, and that is what this book intends to provide. Objective-C Fundamentals is a book that focuses on learning Objective-C in the context of iOS application development. No time is spent discussing aspects or elements of the language that are not relevant to iOS. All examples are fully usable on your own iOS-powered device. We encourage you to read this book straight through, from chapter 1 to chapter 14. This process will introduce the platform, discuss how to program for the iPhone and iPad, and walk you through the entire process step by step.
We’ve done our best to make this book accessible to everyone who is interested in creating successful iOS applications using the native Objective-C–based development tools.