Part 5. The future of Progressive Web Apps


The web is constantly evolving. It seems like every time I blink, a new feature or library is being released to the web. The growth of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is firmly on the radar of browser vendors, and giving web developers access to these new features is part of their roadmap. As a developer, it’s an exciting time to be developing for the web. I’m excited to see how the next few years unfold. In this final part of the book, we’ll look at a few of the great features that are either in development or are due to arrive in a browser near you very soon.

In chapter 10, we’ll dive into a new feature called the Web Streams API, which allows you to stream content to your users. This is important because instead of sending a huge chunk of data all at once to be processed by the browser, web streams allow you to stream the data piece by piece, which means the browser can process it much more efficiently. We’ll look into exactly what web streams are and how you can use them to supercharge your page-render times.

Chapter 11 is where I gather together some of the most common questions I get when I speak publicly about PWAs and attempt to answer them as clearly and thoroughly as I can.
