About This Book
RabbitMQ is an open source message broker written in Erlang, currently under the wing of Pivotal Software. It’s based around the AMQP open protocol, with official client libraries in Java, .NET, Erlang, as well as libraries for most other popular programming languages.
This book is up-to-date with RabbitMQ 3.6.3, so with the erratic release schedule of RabbitMQ itself, by the time this book reaches you there may be newer versions released. Not to fret though, as in our experience RabbitMQ has rarely broken features with releases, only added new features and fixed issues!
The code examples used throughout the book are written with Python, but if you don’t have a working setup with Python and RabbitMQ, or you’d just like to experiment without setting up the whole environment, we’ve included instructions on setting up a Vagrant box with everything pre-installed. Make sure you check out the appendix for instructions on how to get this up and running first.
Chapter 1 looks at the foundation of RabbitMQ: the various features of RabbitMQ itself and the foundation of RabbitMQ, the Advanced Messaging Queuing model.
Chapter 2 explores the AMQ protocol, looking at the frame structure, and the low-level process that occurs when a message is published or retrieved from RabbitMQ.