Chapter 1. Meet React


This chapter covers

  • Introducing React
  • Some of React’s high-level concepts and paradigms
  • The virtual DOM
  • Components in React
  • React for teams
  • Tradeoffs of using React

If you work as a web engineer in the tech industry, chances are you’ve heard of React. Maybe it was somewhere online like Twitter or Reddit. Maybe a friend or colleague mentioned it to you or you heard a talk about it at a meetup. Wherever it was, I bet that what you heard was probably either glowing or a bit skeptical. Most people tend to have a strong opinion about technologies like React. Influential and impactful technologies tend to generate that kind of response. For these technologies, often a smaller number of people initially “get it” before the technology catches on and moves to a broader audience. React started this way, but now enjoys immense popularity and use in the web engineering world. And it’s popular for good reason: it has a lot to offer and can reinvigorate, renew, or even transform how you think about and build user interfaces.

1.1. Meet React

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces across a variety of platforms. React gives you a powerful mental model to work with and helps you build user interfaces in a declarative and component-driven way. We’ll unpack these ideas and much more over the course of the book, but that’s what React is in the broadest, briefest sense.

1.2. What does React not do?

1.3. The virtual DOM

1.4. Components: The fundamental unit of React

1.5. React for teams

1.6. Summary
