Chapter 4. Working with duplicate code


This chapter covers

  • The hidden cost of duplicate code
  • Identifying duplications
  • Realizing the impact of code duplications
  • Finding duplications across multiple projects
  • Cleaning up your duplications

When you start a new project, you have a clean code base with no duplications, unless you copied another project to start with. Every single line of code is written from scratch, and you have absolute confidence that neither you nor your teammates will introduce any duplications.

As the project progresses, you and your teammates communicate regularly and write good, clean code. You probably think you’ve done everything you need to, to avoid duplications. But over time they still creep in, because you can’t totally avoid code duplications no matter how hard you try.

Because duplications always creep in, you need an efficient way to track and eventually remove them. You’ve already seen how SonarQube helps you measure test coverage and identify issues. Following a similar path, we’ll show you how easy SonarQube makes it to spot repeated code blocks in a project and across multiple projects. We’ll start from the comments and duplications widget on the dashboard, and progress to the Duplications drilldown and the Duplications tab in the file detail view.

4.1. The hidden cost of duplicate code

4.2. Identifying duplications

4.3. Realizing the impact of code duplication

4.4. Finding duplications across multiple projects

4.5. Cleaning up your duplications

4.6. Related plugins

4.7. Summary
