2 Exploring the microservices world with Spring Cloud


This chapter covers

  • Understanding the principles of cloud native applications
  • Understanding the Twelve-Factor App best practices
  • Understanding the best practices to create a microservice architecture

Nowadays, organizations have been forced to look for architectures that are more flexible and that are more consistent with their new agile development trends due to the competition that exists between companies, causing them to quickly face unprecedented challenges without having a proper time to plan and implement new ideas. In response to these new challenges, engineers have developed the microservices architectures. This architecture offers developers and companies that manufacture software the ability to quickly build and deliver experiences without affecting other services. Also, it offers a continuous improvement (integration and delivery) environment that reduces errors caused by manual processes.

Designing, implementing, and maintaining microservices can quickly become a problem if they are not managed correctly. It is because of this that when we start working with microservices solutions, it is essential to apply best practices that allow us to keep the architecture as efficient and scalable as possible to avoid performance issues, bottlenecks or operational problems inside our product.

As we continue our discussion of microservices architectures, keep the following in mind:

2.1   How to build a cloud-native microservice?

2.1.1   Code Base


2.1.3   Config

2.1.4   Backing services

2.1.5   Build, release, run

2.1.6   Processes

2.1.7   Port binding.

2.1.8   Concurrency

2.1.9   Disposability

2.1.10   Dev/prod parity

2.1.11   Logs

2.1.12   Admin processes

2.2   Microservice Architecture best practices

2.2.1   Richardson level of maturity

2.2.2   Spring HATEOAS

2.2.3   Externalized configuration

2.2.4   Continuous Integration and Continuous delivery

2.2.5   Monitoring

2.2.6   Logging

2.2.7   API Gateways

2.3   Summary
