About This Book
The purpose for writing Succeeding with AI: How to Make AI Work for Your Business was to help you lead an AI project toward business success. This book starts by showing you how to select AI projects that can become a business success, and then how to run those projects in a way that will achieve it.
I wrote this book for the business leader who’s tasked with delivering results with AI and views technology as a vehicle to deliver those results. I’ve also written it for the leadership team that is working with and advising such a business leader.
As a prerequisite, the reader of this book should have experience on the leadership team of a successful software project and should understand the business basics of their organization. Although an engineering background or deep knowledge about AI isn’t required, an open mind and a willingness to facilitate conversations between people with technical and business backgrounds are.
I also wrote this book for leadership-focused and business-focused data scientists and data scientists who want to learn more about the business applications of AI methods. I purposely don’t focus on specific technologies in AI, so if you’re interested solely in the technical side of AI, this is not the book for you.
This book is organized into eight chapters: