Chapter 10. Dialogs


If you want to be noticed, you must find a way to attract attention to yourself. Whether your goal is to woo a potential sweetheart or market a new invention, it’s impossible to succeed if your target isn’t aware of your efforts. The same principle holds for software. If your program needs something from the user, it must find a way to draw that user’s attention to itself. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this, but the most common is to present the user with a dialog box. A dialog box is a window that is separate from your application’s main window. When this window is placed in front of the application, the user is forced to pay attention to whatever you display there, whether it’s a status message or a request for input, such as a filename to save to. Because displaying dialogs is such a common and necessary task, SWT and JFace provide support to make handling dialogs easy.

10.1. SWT dialogs

10.2. JFace dialogs

10.3. Updating WidgetWindow

10.4. Summary
