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Thanks for purchasing the MEAP for The Art of Unit Testing 3rd Edition, with Examples in Javascript.

This book has been written to take most anyone from never doing unit testing in Javascript to being able to write real world unit tests on real projects with real code.

We will begin at the very basics of what makes good unit tests, and move to mocks, stubs, async work and refactoring. We’re using Jest as our test framework but that shouldn’t stop you from using any other unit test framework for your purposes.

The book assumes that you’re already familiar with Javasctipt ES2015 and that’s it. It should fit well whether you’re a backend or frontend developer because the examples will try to be as agnostic as possible to the various frameworks out there such as Express, React or Angular, and instead focus on the patterns underlying the code structures, so that you should be able to approach most any task with the knowledge that you’ve seen this pattern before, be it with a slightly different disguise.

—Roy Osherove

