About this Book
Ohai, welcome! Elixir is a functional programming language built on the Erlang virtual machine. It combines the productivity and expressivity of Ruby with the concurrency and fault-tolerance of Erlang. Elixir makes full use of Erlang’s powerful OTP library, which many developers consider the source of Erlang’s greatness, so you can have mature, professional-quality functionality right out of the gate. Elixir’s support for functional programming makes it a great choice for highly distributed, event-driven applications like internet of things (IoT) systems.
This book respects your time and is designed to get you up to speed with Elixir and OTP with minimum fuss. But it expects you to put in the required amount of work to grasp all the various concepts. Therefore, this book works best when you can try out the examples and experiment. If you ever get stuck, don’t fret—the Elixir community is very welcoming!
This book has 3 parts, 11 chapters, and 1 appendix. Part 1 covers the fundamentals of Elixir and OTP: