7 The art of pitching to institutional investors


This chapter covers

  • Will you be in tune with the VC pitch meeting vibe to maximize your chance of success?
  • Do you have a great VC pitch deck? Suggestions on how to structure it.
  • Surviving VC shark tank drama. Are you ready for nasty curveballs?

Different types of investors require different types of pitches. In anecdote 6, “Angels: Your bridge financing solution,” I discussed how to pitch to individual angels, who, even if they are part of a group with organized meetings, ultimately invest about $25,000 per person. In this anecdote, I’ll cover pitching to institutional investors, which means venture capitalists, highly organized fund-based angel groups, private equity firms, and corporate or strategic investors.

7.1 The pitch

7.2 The deck (aka your business plan)

7.3 The moral of this anecdote
