Chapter 2. The architecture of Wicket


In this chapter:

  • Learning how Wicket works
  • Understanding Wicket’s fundamental concepts

Wicket is easy to use, once you grasp the core concepts, and you can be productive without needing to know the inner details of the framework. After you read this chapter, you’ll know where to turn if you run into problems or when you need to customize the framework. Also, by lifting the veil on the magical Wicket box, we hope to make you eager to start using the framework.

First, we’ll introduce the subject of many of the examples you’ll encounter throughout this book. When I (Eelco) lived in Deventer, The Netherlands, I frequented a fantastic cheese store. Like many Dutch, I’m crazy about cheese, and this award-winning store sells an amazing selection. Now that I live in the United States, more specifically Seattle, Washington, (where I moved about the same time we started writing this book), I miss a good and affordable selection of Dutch cheeses. Seattle provides more than enough options to make up for this (like the city’s impressive selection of sushi bars and Thai restaurants), but every once in a while I crave a piece of well-ripened Dutch farmer’s cheese.

Yes, it’s available but you pay sky-high prices and the selection isn’t great. I tried my luck on the internet, but the Deventer store doesn’t sell online; and although I came across some stores that cater to Dutch immigrants and sell Dutch cheese, their selection and pricing weren’t to my liking.

2.1. How Wicket handles requests

2.2. Introducing Wicket components

2.3. Summary
