Chapter 3. Building a cheesy Wicket application


In this chapter:

  • Displaying items from a list
  • Navigating to another page
  • Processing a form, validating the input and providing feedback
  • Creating a reusable custom component

Reading about components, pages, and models is interesting, but getting your hands dirty is more fun. To get a better understanding of working with Wicket, in this chapter we’ll start building the cheese store we discussed in chapter 2. The store’s functionality will be limited to the sales front end: the shop with our prime collection of cheeses and a checkout page so customers can buy our product.

This is a long chapter, so we’ll cover a lot of ground. Even so, a lot is left as an exercise for you. We won’t be designing a database and using JDBC, Hibernate, or any other database technology to create this application, but we’ll look at user input, validating the input, using premade components in a panel, and creating your own custom component.

3.1. Introducing Cheesr


3.2. Creating the store front


3.3. Creating the checkout page


3.4. Summary


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