Chapter 1. A new phone, a new operating system


This chapter covers

  • Introducing Windows Phone 8
  • Understanding the hardware platform
  • Porting applications from other mobile operating systems
  • Developing for Windows Phone

Windows Phone 8 is more than a new operating system. It’s an operating system, powerful hardware platform, and collection of web services combined into one great experience for the busy individual, as shown in figure 1.1. Phone consumers demand the most from their phones as they balance work and life and use their phones to manage their busy lifestyles. Windows Phone 8 was designed to let users tailor the phone experience to their individual needs so that they can get tasks done faster and get back to the important aspects of their lives.

Figure 1.1. A variety of screen shots from Windows Phone 8: Starting with the Start Screen at bottom center and moving clockwise, you can see the Application List, Office Hub, People Hub, Email application, and Lock Screen.

1.1. Rebooting the Windows Phone platform


1.2. Windows Phone foundations


1.3. Comparing Windows Phone to other mobile platforms


1.4. The Windows Phone Developer Tools


1.5. Declaring capabilities and requirements


1.6. Summary


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