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Thank you for purchasing the MEAP for Writing for Developers: Blogs that Get Read.

Engineering blogs feed and foster developers’ insatiable curiosity. Think of all the times that a blog post by a fellow engineer you never met:

  • Sparked an idea for a new approach or project
  • Taught you about a new technology or tool that you ended up trying out
  • Saved you from going down a disastrous path
  • Led you to an aha moment in the depths of despair
  • Gave your project an unexpected lift
  • Pushed you to apply for a dream job

Engineering blogs clearly matter. And we’re both obsessed with them, from two rather different angles (the engineering side and the writing side).

This book began as a crazy idea, a challenge to ourselves. If we collaborated, with our vastly different experiences and perspectives, could we come up with a resource that would bring more, and better, engineering blogs into the world? Could we help hesitant developers overcome the barriers preventing them from sharing their ideas in writing? Could we also help experienced engineering blog writers increase their reach and impact?

We didn’t pretend to know all the secrets to creating amazing engineering blog posts (we still don’t). But we wanted to think deeply about it, learn more, and share what we knew. So we committed to writing a book on it – as a “weekend project” that sprawled into early mornings and evenings across different sides of the globe. And here we are.
