About this Book
Grails in Action, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to the Grails framework covering the nuts and bolts of all core Grails components: controllers, views, services, taglibs, and plugins. But much more than an introduction, Grails in Action, Second Edition is jam-packed with skills, techniques, and insights from the trenches: solving the challenges you’re likely to face developing your next killer web app.
Grails in Action, Second Edition gives you a fast-paced and accessible introduction to the world of agile web development.
The book is divided into four parts:
Part 1 will introduce you to Grails by taking you through building your first Grails application—a simple Quote of the Day application. You’ll get a taste for all the parts of the Grails ecosystem and for how all the parts hang together to create a complete application. But in order to make any sophisticated use of Grails, you’ll need an appreciation for Groovy—the dynamic language that forms the foundation of your Grails coding. So we’ll spend some time training you on all the basics in chapter 2.