About this Book
Continuous integration is what it is, regardless of whether it’s done in .NET or some other technology. It’s a set of best practices aimed at easing the integration pains that arise during the course of a software project. .NET has its own set of tools to make CI happen, but the basic rules stay the same: use a source-control system, build by issuing one command, test, analyze, and deploy. Be ready.
This book is for developers who want to dive into state-of-the-art CI techniques. It provides simple guidance on how to create a full CI process with minimal effort and cost. The book wasn’t written for experienced build masters and old-time CI practitioners, but we hope they will find some gems of knowledge as well.
The book is divided into three parts:
- Part 1 “Make it happen” includes chapters 1-6
- Part 2 “Extend it” consists of chapters 7-8
- Part 3 “Smooth and polish it” covers chapters 9-12
Marcin wrote chapters 2 through 10. Craig contributed chapters 1, 11, and 12.
Chapter 1 lays the foundation. It describes the CI process and gives you advice about how to introduce it to your company. We’ll show a simple way to set up a CI process using a CMD file.